Dive Deeper
Spearfishing: a selective and low impact method...
What is spearfishing? Spearfishing is the practice of hunting fish underwater using a spear gun or pole spear. It has gained recognition as one of the most sustainable and ethical...
Spearfishing: a selective and low impact method...
What is spearfishing? Spearfishing is the practice of hunting fish underwater using a spear gun or pole spear. It has gained recognition as one of the most sustainable and ethical...
Why does the Ocean Matter?
Donating to ocean conservation efforts is crucial because the ocean plays a vital role in sustaining the beautiful and biodiverse life on Earth.
Why does the Ocean Matter?
Donating to ocean conservation efforts is crucial because the ocean plays a vital role in sustaining the beautiful and biodiverse life on Earth.
Gyotaku: The artist's modern take on an ancient...
"Each gyotaku print captures the unique features of the fish, serving as a visual narrative, giving insight into the experiences and journeys of the individual." - Troy
Gyotaku: The artist's modern take on an ancient...
"Each gyotaku print captures the unique features of the fish, serving as a visual narrative, giving insight into the experiences and journeys of the individual." - Troy